2025 TETL Officer Nominations—now open!
Nominations for the following positions on the TETL Board of Directors are now open:
- Chair Elect
- Large District Representative
- Secretary
Elections will take place April 1-30, 2025. Please consider nominating yourself or someone else to serve!
Officer Duties and Terms
The Chair-Elect has a commitment of a 3-year term, first as Chair Elect, then as Chair and finally as Past Chair. The Chair-Elect’s main duty is to run the Meetings & Events Committee to help plan for the annual conference. The Chair presides over all TETL business meetings and manages the Executive Board. The Chair helps prepare agendas, program content for the meetings and assists in finding sponsors. The Past Chair manages the Elections Committee, assists with membership recruitment and other duties as the Chair assigns.
The Secretary has a commitment of a 2-year term. The Secretary is responsible for recording minutes of all meetings of the TETL Board. The Secretary assists in maintaining records of the Chapter and other duties as the Chair assigns. The Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years.
The Treasurer has a commitment of a 2-year term. The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing that the financial records are accurate and business transactions are done appropriately. The Treasurer posts payroll for any staff on a monthly basis. The Treasurer runs the Finance Committee and reports the state of finances to the membership at each meeting. The Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years.
Two At-Large positions were added after the membership approved a change in the bylaws in 2016. The term for these representatives is two years. The Small District Rep will serve as co-chair of the Membership Committee and focus on the needs of small districts (0-9,999 students). The Large District Rep will serve as co-chair of the Membership Committee and focus on the needs of large districts (over 10,000 students). Both will help recruit new members from around the state.